Thursday, February 12, 2009

Pacitti and the Miley Bitch

I'm Angry.

This season of American Idol has just dropped down a notch. News has just broken out that Joanna Pacitti is out of eligibility. Some sites say it's because she's still under contract, but some commenters have said that it's because Pacitti has close ties to 19 Productions, the American Idol production studio.

Booo! I was rooting for her so much. Sure she's your typical cute girl who can somewhat sing, but would just look at her. She's the cutie of the moment.

She's like the anti Miley Bitch Cyrus. On the one hand Pacitti looks classy while Miley is a whore. She's a whore who does Asian racist face eye slants. I'm not angry about her photos. I'm just angry that she gets so much exposure for all the stupid teenage bitch things she does.

So you can see why I was rooting for Joanna Pacitti.

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